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News from the movements

Some implications of the digital economy paragraph of the leaked draft ministerial text for IPEF trade pillar
The US will host the first in-person IPEF Ministerial meeting in Los Angeles from 8-9 September 2022, which is expected to launch formal negotiations. Some countries may decide not to remain involved in some or all of the IPEF’s “pillars”.
Ratification of RCEP and Indonesia-Korea CEPA is not democratic and violate public rights
The Civil Society Coalition for Economic Justice condemned the plenary session of the Indonesian House of Representatives which ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the Indonesia-Korea CEPA agreement.
Hogging the gains from trade in Mexico
The multinational pork giant Smithfield, now owned by a Chinese firm, took advantage of trade, investment, labor, environmental, and immigration policies, after NAFTA, to expand its low-wage factory farming model on both sides of the US-Mexico border.
Stop the ratification of CETA! A joint statement by German and Canadian civil society groups
We Canadian and German civil society organizations express our continued opposition to CETA, which protects corporate interests at the expense of climate, environmental and social action and democratic decision-making.
Joint UK and Indian civil society statement on the proposed Free Trade Agreement
We, as organisations representing Indian and UK civil society, call on the Indian and UK Governments to rethink the Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.
KCA, a Reno Nevada based mining company, suspended gold mine in Guatemala
However, locals feel latent tension that the imminent consultation process or the arbitration suit could revive earlier threats, violence, and legal persecution from company employees and contractors.
Government set to ram through Australia trade deal defying public cries for scrutiny
New polling reveals only one-fifth (21%) of UK public are satisfied with the current parliamentary process of scrutiny for the UK-Australia trade deal.
100+ civil society groups ask White House for transparency in IPEF deal
Public, congressional input is essential to prevent another TPP.
’Digital sovereignty must be at core of Pacific e-commerce strategy’
The Pacific regional e-commerce strategy needs to be revised as it denies Pacific Island Countries their sovereign right to manage their digital domains, including data, a new report has found.
Six reasons NOT to ratify the EU-Mexico Global Agreement
Statement of the Mexican, European and international civil society, 4 July 2022
Civil society calls upon EU and Indonesia to respect the rights of Indonesia’s famers
Close to 90 NGOs and farmers’ organisations from Indonesia, the EU and around the world sent open letters to the EU Commission and the Indonesian government today, calling on them to refrain from any clause that restrict farmers’ rights in a future free trade agreement.
Government: Cut the spin and give a truthful assessment of the EU deal
There is much more at stake here than just agriculture, with several chapters seeming to impose restrictions on New Zealand laws and how the government can regulate.
False good news for future EU free trade agreements
ECVC is heavily critical of the lack of ambition shown by the European Commission to tackle only future free trade agreements, meaning the pre-existing FTAs can continue their environmental and social devastation.
’Mad rush to sign FTAs not in interests of farmers’
India is inking a series of Free Trade Agreements but there is criticism from various quarters about it. All India Kisan Sabha Joint Secretary Vijoo Krishnan spoke about what is wrong with FTAs and where the government is erring.
Commission’s trade sanctions proposal falls short
The proposal lacks ambition, especially when it comes to addressing trade’s role in driving climate breakdown.
Physical space in a digital world
Community radio spaces like CKUT have worked to deepen and reorient the mainstream political conversation in profound ways, slowly shifting the focus toward voices calling for transformative social change and justice.
The most worrisome threat to global climate action you’ve likely never heard of
How investor-friendly trade agreements might squelch government efforts to halt oil and gas expansion.
“DOWN DOWN WTO!” – Peasants agitate against the 12th Ministerial Conference of WTO
During the demonstration, peasants denounced the policies that the WTO has promoted in various countries, that has impoverished and displaced rural families through countless free trade agreements.
Latin American leaders should stand up for people, not corporate profits
As leaders gather in Los Angeles, a reflection on the past two decades of battles against neoliberalism and for a more just and equitable alternative in the Americas.
More free trade will not solve the food crisis
WTO has lost the trust of the people, and all governments must keep agricultural matters out of free trade agreements.