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The government of South Korea has concluded, or is pursuing negotiations for, a number of bilateral free trade and investment agreements. Korean social movements have been mobilizing in opposition to these ever since the Korea-Chile FTA was proposed. So far, South Korea has signed deals with Chile (2004), EFTA (2004), Singapore (2005), ASEAN (2007) the US (2007, ratified in 2011), Peru (2011) and Turkey (2012). Talks are under way with Canada, China, Mexico, India, the EU and, technically speaking, Japan. Negotiations with Colombia have stalled over Colombia’s demands for access for better terms for its fruit and flower exports than what Korea gives Chile and Peru. Seoul is also looking to open discussions with Mercosur, Malaysia, Mexico and possibly Israel.

last update: May 2012
Photo: Joe Mabel / CC BY-SA 3.0

S. Korea, EFTA initial free trade accord
South Korea and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) initialed a free trade agreement (FTA) on Tuesday, a deal that should give domestic companies a beachhead in the European market, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.
South Korea, Mexico to push for limited trade talks
South Korea and Mexico have agreed to discuss a limited economic cooperation after failing to open talks on a free trade agreement, Seoul’s presidential office and foreign ministry said on Saturday.
Australia seeks FTA with Korea
Australia is urging South Korea to kick off negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) to facilitate a growing bilateral trade in raw materials, agricultural and manufactured goods, according to a senior Australian official.
Mexico: Korea’s most important economic partner in L. America
Last year represented a historic moment in the economic relationship between Latin America and Korea.
Korea seeks detour for FTA with Mexico
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun’s visit here will likely be a great challenge for the two countries, which are haggling over a free trade agreement (FTA) across the Pacific Ocean.
Mexico FTA Talks Stall
The launch of free trade agreement (FTA) talks between South Korea and Mexico have stalled, on the latter’s request for an additional concession.
Korea-China FTA talks gather steam but a sticky path ahead
As economic interdependence between Korea and China grows significantly, government officials and economists find it more and more necessary to form a free trade agreement to strengthen bilateral economic relations.
S. Korea, Singapore sign FTA
South Korea and Singapore formally signed a free trade agreement (FTA) here Thursday, reported the South Korean Yonhap News Agency.
President Roh wants Economic Partnership Agreement with Mexico
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun says he prefers an economic partnership agreement over a free trade pact with Mexico. In an interview with news daily "El Sol de Mexico," President Roh said he would propose a comprehensive economic partnership when he makes an official visit to the country in September.
Speed up free trade talks
For Korea which relies heavily on external markets, forging bilateral free trade pacts with its trading partners is not an option but a must. Today, regional economic blocs, which have emerged in parallel with the globalization trend, penalize a country that has no bilateral trade deals with them.