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US-Africa trade program must be more than ’symbolic,’ US trade chief says
The United States is looking for a "more useful and effective" trade programme with Africa, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said on Saturday, as talks are underway to update a two decade-old duty free initiative.
AGOA must not undermine African free trade, says AfCFTA secretary general
The secretary general of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Wamkele Mene, has cautioned that trade ties with the United States should not infringe on efforts to boost regional trade on the continent.
AGOA has not addressed structural issues
IN A GLOBALLY competitive post-Covid world, fractured by geopolitics and multiple wars, the Global South and Africa face increased interest from global powers.
Free trade and debt: the two sides of neocolonialism
Highlights from the workshop organised in Marrakesh by Attac Maroc,, CADTM Africa, GRAIN and the Tunisian Observatory of Economy.
AGOA forum: ‘Africa to assert its place in global economy’
South Africa will be looking to get more out its trade ties with the US during next week’s African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) Forum, where member countries will showcase the continent’s industrial capability and its regional value chains.
South Africa hosts AGOA forum aims at strengthening US-Africa trade relations
South Africa prepares to host the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum to review critical challenges and obstacles adversely impacting trade opportunities and economic cooperation between the United States and Africa.
African, Caribbean nations mull joint free trade zone
Public and private sectors’ leaders in African and Caribbean nations have called for increased trade and investments among the nations, with a vision to create an African Caribbean free trade zone.
Mauritania set for AGOA return as Uganda, Gabon, Niger and CAR get the boot from US
While Gabon, Niger, the Central African Republic (CAR) and Uganda have been kicked out of an American trade preference scheme for the continent, Mauritania will be making a return.
AGOA: Africa calling for another 10 years
African countries who benefit from the African Growth and Opportunities Act will push for a 10 year extension of the agreement, the African Union (AU) commissioner for trade and industry Albert Muchanga said on the first day of a summit in Johannesburg.
Uganda denounces US plan to exclude it from duty-free trade programme
Uganda on Wednesday criticised a U.S. move to eject it and other African countries from accessing a tariff-free trade programme, saying the action was to punish African countries that are resisting the imposition of the West’s cultural values.
AGOA trade deal talks: South Africa will need to carefully manage relations with the US and China
South Africa must tread carefully in its economic relationships to avoid being caught in the escalating tension between east and west, and more specifically China and the US.
Africa-Türkiye link to boost trade
THE Fourth Africa-Türkiye Economic and Business Forum (TABEF) has called for augmentation of seamless operation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to guarantee and promote increased intra-African trade.
Nigeria may miss October trading date for AfCFTA
From all indications, Nigeria may likely fail in its bid to commence trading in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), under the Guided Trade Initiative (GTI).
AfCFTA: More free trade? For whose benefit?
So what does this trade deal mean for ordinary Africans in a time of deep climate, economic and food crises?
Remove trade barriers to increase per capita income, IMF tells African leaders
Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), says African governments must remove trade barriers to increase the continent’s per capita income.
Kenya and US in advance talks on AGOA extension as exports soar to Sh50b
Kenya and the United States are in advanced talks to extend the African Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) for another 10 years.
Kenya, US finalizing new trade deal
Kenya and the United States are finalizing a new trade agreement. President William Ruto and his US counterpart, Joe Biden agreed to expedite the Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement.
United States and Kenya to hold second negotiating round under the Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership
The United States and Kenya will hold a second in-person round under the Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP) in Washington, DC, from October 4-7, 2023.
EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement closer to approval
The EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) has today taken a step towards approval, with the Commission sending to the Council proposals for its signature and conclusion.
South Africa to motivate for AGOA renewal for Africa’s development
South Africa will motivate for the extension and renewal of the US preferential trade framework the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for itself and other African countries.