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Japan welcomes Taiwan and other countries to join TPP
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary and the cabinet’s spokesman, said that he welcomed various countries and areas, including Taiwan, to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Taiwan seeks FTA-like bilateral agreement with India
Taiwan is seeking a Free Trade Agreement (FTA)-like bilateral agreement with India to boost trade and investments even as its companies are looking to relocate some of their manufacturing facilities from mainland China to India and Southeast Asia.
Japan suspends trade pact discussions with Taiwan over food ban
Japan has refused to resume discussions on an economic partnership agreement (EPA) with Taiwan until it lifts a ban on food imports from radiation-affected areas of Japan.
Taiwan to seek US support for investment, trade agreements
Taiwan will seek the support of the United States for signing bilateral and multilateral investment and free trade agreements, the Taiwanese President has said.
TPP may be dead – but its impact lingers
Threats to affordable access to medicines continue unabated
Taiwan urges European Union to sign bilateral investment accord
Taiwan has urged the European Union (EU) to sign a bilateral investment agreement as soon as possible in order to create a better investment climate for businesses.
US unhappy over lack of progress on pork imports
The US has expressed disappointment with a lack of progress on issues related to US pork imports to Taiwan in the latest round of talks under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement.
Taipei, Washington to hold latest round of TIFA meetings
The discussions are to focus on areas including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, intellectual property rights and technical trade barriers
Say no to trade pacts with China: civic groups
Civic groups protested outside the Executive Yuan on Monday, calling on the new government to reject any notions of signing trade in goods and services agreements with mainland China.
Taiwan making a list, checking it twice
In anticipation of its bid to join TPP, Taiwan has made a list of roughly 45 changes to its law, from intellectual property to food safety, that would bring it into compliance with the Asia-Pacific deal.
Ma Ying-jeou’s legendary (Trade) millions
Things have been especially bad since the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), invariably lauded as a “landmark trade agreement” in the international media.
Act to ease free-trade impacts passed
The new law will require the labor ministry to offer ‘appropriate supporting aids’ to people working in negatively impacted industries and companies.
Taiwan to stand firm on US pork ractopamine ban: official
Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture said that it will insist that the country maintain a ban on pork imported from the United States containing traces of leanness-enhancing drug ractopamine
TIFA talks ignore interests of ordinary citizens: groups
The latest round of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) talks with the US ignores the interests of ordinary citizens, labor activists said yesterday.
TIFA meeting to be held in October
The next round of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) talks between Taiwan and the U.S. will be held in October in Taipei at the earliest. Besides food safety, Taiwan is expected to raise issues relating to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and bilateral investment agreement (BIA) in the meeting.
Taiwan and Vietnam to start talks on new investment agreement
Vietnam has agreed to start talks on a new Taiwan-Vietnam Bilateral Investment Agreement to provide more protection for Taiwanese businessmen investing in the Southeast Asian country.
Taiwan must open up service sector with TiSA’s arrival
The Taiwanese government has turned its focus to the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) currently being negotiated by 25 countries and regions that account for 70% of the global trade in services.
Taiwan, US aim for TIFA talks by year end: US official
Taiwan and the United States are working toward holding the next round of talks under the bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)
Taiwan: Groups rally against TPP preparations
Members of Green Party Taiwan and the Economic Democracy Union yesterday rallied in front of the Ministry of Economic Affairs building in Taipei to protest what they said was the government’s “black box” approach toward its logistics planning for negotiations in its bid to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership.