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Even rich nations now worried about ISDS
Governments the world over are worried about investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) rules. These allow foreign investors to sue them for billions over new laws or policies reducing their profits.
UK at risk of lawsuits if Pacific trade deal not amended, warn civil society organisations and academics
The UK faces “huge financial risk” of lawsuits if the Pacific trade deal is not amended, warn civil society organisations and academics in a joint letter published today.
Canadian cattle groups say ’no’ to UK’s entry into CPTPP
The Canadian meat industry has launched a campaign demanding its government block the UK’s accession to a new trans-Pacific trade deal unless it accepts imports of Canadian hormone-fed beef.
New Zealand wins trade dispute with Canada over dairy access
Under the CPTPP, New Zealand gained better access for dairy products in the Canadian market, but complained that Canada was manipulating quotas to block exporters.
New UK trade deal ’rewards environmental destruction’, warns WWF 
The environmental dangers represented by the CPTPP are profound for both food production and for encouraging practices linked with deforestation.
Britain formally joins TPP in first expansion of Pacific trade pact
Britain officially joined a major trans-Pacific trade pact at a signing ceremony in New Zealand, marking the first expansion of the accord since its entry into force in 2018 and bringing the bloc to cover 15 percent of global gross domestic product.
CPTPP to discuss Taiwan, China joining trade pact
Some member nations support reviewing applications on a first-come-first-served basis, while others say they can be looked at simultaneously
Trans-Pacific trade deal in effect in all member states
A major trans-Pacific trade deal has come into force in all 11 countries that originally signed it. This comes after the Southeast Asian nation of Brunei completed its ratification process.
Ukraine submits request to join CPTPP trade pact
Ukraine has submitted a request to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP); a trade pact among 11 countries, including Japan, Canada and Australia.
China to ease economic and trade rules to aid CPTPP pact bid, amid scepticism over reform commitment
China has unveiled new measures to help its bid to join the CPTPP as Beijing presses on with its goal to reach the standards of the 11-nation deal, despite the thresholds for entry deemed by some members to be too high for the world’s second-largest economy.
China submits papers for CPTPP accession
The Chinese government has submitted the documents for China’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Internal docs suggest Trudeau wants China blocked from Pacific Rim trade deal
While the Liberals insist a Pacific Rim trade bloc should welcome any country that meets its standards, an internal document suggests Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants China kept out of the deal.
Canada backs Ukraine’s application to join trans-Pacific trade pact
Canada backs Ukraine’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, Canadian Trade Minister Mary Ng said.
China’s trade-pact bid ‘impossible’ for Australia to approve while Beijing’s sanctions remain, sources say
Australia is not expected to support the accession of China and Taiwan to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership amid ’geopolitical baggage’.
Brunei ratifies CPTPP trade deal
Brunei Darussalam has ratified the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
A submission published by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade suggests New Zealand’s argument is sound regarding dairy access to Canada
The Australian Government has indicated it supports New Zealand in its trade battle with Canada.
Wild card entries complicate the trade game
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has issued a presidential decree announcing he has appointed a delegation to negotiate Ukraine’s membership of CPTPP.
Trade rep Kachka: Ukraine plans to start talks on joining Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2023
The Government of Ukraine will soon make a decision on Ukraine’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, Deputy Economy Minister, Trade Representative of Ukraine said.
Corporations dominate trade advisory panels
Trade advisers get special access to agreements and can comment on them before they are made public. More than 4 out of 5 advisers represent corporations.
International “digital trade” agreements: the next frontier
International trade agreements, typically negotiated in secret and without public deliberation, could prematurely deter or undercut ongoing efforts to regulate the tech industry.