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News from the movements

Looking in the Mexican mirror
26 years of free trade, industrial paradise for transnational corporations and environmental hell for the peoples.
Alternatives for the ‘Energy and Raw Materials Chapters’ in EU trade agreements
How trade agreements could strengthen human rights and environmental protection in the raw materials sector.
Anchoring climate and environmental protection in EU trade agreements
How trade agreements could contribute to a more sustainable world economy.
The European evaluation of the Association Agreements: guarantees and content still insufficient
The lack of independence, the priority given to the commercial aspects instead of the human aspects, and the superficiality of this report prevent it from being recognised as a credible evaluation.
The EU-Mercosur trade agreement: What is it, and what could it mean for forests and human rights?
This briefing is meant to provide a discussion for NGOs in Brazil who want to understand the implications of this deal for people and forests and take action.
Analysis of the UK’s draft FTA for the EU-UK relationship
The UK’s draft FTA is analysed here in terms of what it would mean for the UK and for trade justice.
Justice and reparation: the struggle of Chevron-affected communities in COVID-19 times
Indigenous communities call for international solidarity to support for the vindication of rights of the comunities and peoples affected by corporate impunity and their struggle for a dignified life.
The true cost of the EU-Mercosur trade deal
The EU-Mercosur trade deal comes at a tremendous expense for people and the planet. Dire consequences are looming both on regional and global levels.
Digital trade rules and Big Tech: Surrendering public good to private power
As tech giants emerge as the undisputed winners of the Covid-19 crisis, they continue to use free trade agreements to protect themselves from regulation.
Information brief on US-Kenya FTA
Kenya’s basis for FTA with US questioned, inherent dangers flagged by African Trade Experts.
The unknown climate-killer deal we’ll have to tackle next
The Energy Charter Treaty takes an axe to climate action.
US-Kenya FTA and the rights to land and food
The US Trade Representative has announced plans to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Kenya. This would be the first free-trade agreement the US has negotiated with an African nation.
Civil society organizations and concerned activists submit nearly 7,500 comments on proposed US-Kenya trade agreement
Public Citizen submitted formal comments to the US Trade Representative explaining why negotiating a standard US FTA with Kenya is a very bad idea in general.
US-UK trade talks must put people and the planet first
US and UK civil society groups worry trade deal could privilege corporate profits at the expense of the environment, consumer safety, public health and worker rights.
EU scrutiny of GM food is not negotiable
74 NGOs have written to the EU Commission to demand that genetically modified crops are not pushed onto Europe’s fields and plates as part of a trade deal with the USA.
e-Commerce free trade agreements, digital chapters and the impact on labour
A comparative analysis of treaty texts and their potential practical implications.
’Reckless’ to restart US-UK trade talks in midst of pandemic, campaigners say
Coronavirus has exposed the flaws in the pro-corporate agenda that this trade deal is intended to entrench.
EU-Mexico agreement: Serious concerns for European civil society
European civil society organisations are deeply concerned about the renewal of the European Union-Mexico trade agreement.
Sustainable regulation and trade agreements for the EU-UK relationship
The Trade Justice Movement has published model Sustainable Regulation and Trade Agreements for the EU-UK relationship, which have been developed in partnership with trade unions, environmental organisations and justice groups.