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investment | BITs

Indonesia, Timor Leste Agree to establish Bilateral Investment Treaty
Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and Timor Leste Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak agreed on a number of commitments. One of the commitments was related to the establishment of a bilateral investment treaty.
Canada, Taiwan to begin formal talks to spur foreign investments
The talks about a so-called "Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Arrangement" aligns with Canada’s plan to increase trade and influence in the fast-growing Indo-Pacific region.
BIT with Hungary likely next month
Pakistan and Hungary are likely to finalise Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) next month during the visit of Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to Budapest.
Report: Evaluating the Proposed Joint Interpretation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
This report analyzes the proposed interpretive guidance on the Investment Chapter of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union.
How Chinese companies are challenging national security decisions that could delay 5G network rollout
A relatively new strategy for China is to challenge national security decisions before international tribunals using a method called investor-state dispute settlement.
The secretive legal weapon that fossil fuel interests use against climate-conscious countries
Investor-state dispute settlements increasingly allow oil and gas investors to sue countries over their climate policies.
Egyptian envoy says El -Sisi’s India visit will be a golden opportunity to forge new partnership
For the first time, a leader from Egypt will be the chief guest at India’s Republic day, this year. Calling the visit ‘historic’, the envoy added that Egypt and India can see eye to eye on several key global issues.
S. Korea seeks to sign over 10 free trade deals this year
South Korea will push to clinch free trade agreements with more than 10 nations and a trade promotion framework with over 20 nations this year in an effort to boost growth momentum and diversify its trade portfolio, the trade ministry said.
EU and Angola conclude Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement
In November 2022, the EU and Angola concluded a Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement (SIFA)—the first EU agreement of this kind.
Belarus, UAE discuss possible agreement on free trade in services
The Economy Ministry of Belarus and the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates have held online technical consultations to discuss the possibility of concluding an agreement on free trade in services and investment.
Proposed BIT with Hungary: Differences emerge between BoI, ministries over proposal
There are two sticking points in the negotiations of the Pakistan-Hungary BIT: one is “Expropriation” and the other is “Subrogation”.
Air Tanzania plane seized in the Netherlands
Air Tanzania Company Limited plane has been seized in the Netherlands after a Swedish firm won a $165 million award against Tanzania due to revoked land title in the Bagamoyo sugar project.
Kenya and South Korea in deal on free trade agreement
Nairobi — Kenya and South Korea have agreed on a roadmap that will lead to a free trade agreement between the two countries.
UNCTAD publishes report on international climate change investment trends and policy developments
The report suggests that progress on IIA reform is critical to enable countries to address the challenges of climate change.
Barbados seeking to forge strong ties with Algeria
Possible areas of cooperation between the two countries include a double taxation agreement and a bilateral investment treaty.
India, UAE discuss possibilities of bilateral trade in national currencies
The two delegations reviewed the status of the negotiations of the India-UAE bilateral investment treaty. Twelve rounds of negotiations have been conducted until now.
UK firms using legal muscle to facilitate human rights and climate abuses – report
Transform Trade charity says British-based companies are among main bringers of cases based on bilateral investment treaties.
BITs with EC, South Asia to continue
Pakistani government decides to avoid future investment treaties and cancels agreements posing legal risks.
Czech Republic, Qatar eye cooperation on economy, energy
The Czech Republic and Qatar, pending approval by the European Commission, agreed to sign an agreement on investment protection.